A bad rain is a serialized story, published online daily. The first entry was published on August 1, 2010.

New updates posted daily, M - F. Each installment is approx. 300 words.

This speculative sci-fi serialized story is UNDER THE DOME meets THE HUNGER GAMES.

An oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico sets off a chain reaction of contamination that seeps into North America's groundwater. Michigan, with its position between two freshwater Great Lakes, is the only state in the U.S. deemed suitable for human life. But there isn't enough room for everyone. Two twenty somethings fight to get their name on the list.

The two rain images are from the photo-sharing site Flickr. Under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license they are available for commercial use.
Rain header from Flickr user, silent-shot. See the original at http://www.flickr.com/photos/silent-shot/500251940/:
Rain icon courtesy of Flickr user, WeimWeim. See the original at http://www.flickr.com/photos/weimiweim/2346384858/